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Head Injuries

Head injuries can be either closed or open (penetrating)

107 out of 100,000 people sustain a traumatic brain injury in their lives

Males are more likely to sustain a traumatic brain injury than females


Head Injuries?

Head injuries involve trauma to the scalp, skull or brain – often from sports, falls or traffic accidents. Severity can range from a minor bump to a concussion or skull fracture. Slurred speech, confusion, headaches, fluid from the nose or ears, or bleeding are signs of a more severe injury.

Seek medical assistance immediately for injuries that cause loss of consciousness or severe bleeding.

Head injury


Head Injuries

Most head injuries are minor and do not require specialised attention or hospitalisation. For these cuts and lacerations that cause bleeding, wrap an absorbent and sterile combine dressing around the injury to apply pressure to the wound and minimise blood loss.

Watch the video to learn how to apply a large dressing.

Types of Brain Injuries


  • Damage to your brain from impacting the wall of your skull
  • Usually temporary, but repeat events can lead to permanent damage
  • Severe cases can cause swelling and dangerous pressure on the brain

Skull fracture

  • A crack or break in the skull bone
  • May not damage the brain or need any treatment at all
  • Severe cases, where the skull indents into the brain cavity, may require surgery


  • A blood clot in or around the brain or a bruise on the brain that causes bleeding or swelling
  • Can lead to pressure build-up inside your skull and severe long-term effects
  • Symptoms may not develop until days or weeks after the incident

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