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Defibrillation AEDs

Men experience 66% of sudden cardiac arrests

25,000 people die from cardiac arrest each year

AEDs are easy to use and save lives


an AED?

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are lightweight, portable devices that deliver an electric shock to a heart in cardiac arrest, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm. This electric shock allows the heart to resume pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body, so that organs can function properly. 

Together with CPR, an AED can save a life. 


Operate an AED?

Modern AEDs are very easy to use. With voice-aided CPR coaching and clear diagrams for electrode placement, you can administer a shock within a few seconds. They allow you to help save a life with just the touch of a button. 

If you have access to a defibrillator, follow these instructions

  1. Kneel down next to the patient and turn on the AED device.
  2. Remove any clothes that may be obstructing the patient’s chest area. You must apply the connected electrodes to a bare chest.
  3. The device will search for the patient’s heartbeat, before advising if a shock is necessary.
  4. Deliver a single shock to the patient when directed.
  5. Return to performing chest compressions to re-establish a consistent and strong heartbeat.
  6. Follow any further instructions from the AED, until emergency services arrive.

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