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How to Treat Annoying & Painful Finger Cuts

Finger cuts might not be the most serious injury but that does not mean they are not painful and annoying. Here is your guide to treating a finger cut quickly and effectively for maximised pain relief and a fast recovery.

Keeping Cuts Sanitary

The kitchen is where more hand wounds happen than anywhere else, and they are also where it is critically important to keep wounds covered, not just to avoid infection of the wound itself, but to keep the food-heavy environment from becoming contaminated.

There are two main things to consider when keeping a cut sanitary in a kitchen environment. First, it’s important to use a plaster with a high level of adhesion, even when exposed to moisture and friction. This will make sure the plaster stays on your hand where it belongs and doesn’t end up in the frying pan.

Secondly, it’s good for the plaster to be easily visible. Aeroplast Visual Bandages are the strongest, most adhesive plasters on the market, and perfect for kitchen environments.

How do I treat a minor cut?

Even the smallest cut can become a major inconvenience when it doesn’t heal properly. There are a few things you can do when treating your hand wound to make sure it heals as fast as possible.

When you first cut yourself, be sure to immediately wash the cut to prevent infection. It doesn’t matter how small the cut, it can still get infected and should be treated with caution. Use cool or lukewarm water and soap or a mild cleaning product to remove and dirt in or around the wound.

Once you are confident the wound is clean, apply pressure to the wound until bleeding stops. This could take two or three minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, you may need to seek further medical attention.

When the bleeding stops apply a sterile bandage. This will help the cut to heal and prevent it from reopening. We recommend you replace the bandage daily until it heals.

How do I know if I need stitches?

Sometimes a small finger cut is not as small as it initially seems. So how do you know if you need stitches? If the cut goes through the skin and leaves a gapping hole, you will probably need stitches. This is particularly true if you can see fat or muscle through the wound. Stitches can minimise infection and scaring when applied within a few hours of the incident. If you are still unsure, it is probably worth seeking the advice of a medical professional.

Whether you are helping a family member, a colleague or yourself with a finger cut, we want to arm you with the right tools so you can be an Aero.