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How To Be Prepared For An Emergency During Storm Season

With storm season kicking in, you can bet those intense Australian storms are just around the corner.

Here’s a guide on how to prepare for an emergency during storm season.

Secure your yard

Have you taken a look around your yard and identified anything that could be a potential missile? If a storm hits, anything in your property (from a chair to a branch) can do damage to your home. Take a walk around your property and identify anything that requires restraining. If you’re heading away on holiday, be sure to prepare and look for any large branches that could potentially fall onto your car.

Clear out gutters and drains

Another vital step in preparing for an emergency during storm season is keeping your gutters and downpipes clear. When your roof gutters are blocked by debris and foreign objects, you’re at risk of dangerous overflows that could result in leaks and damage throughout ceilings, downlights, and walls. Back on ground level, be sure to keep any drains and pipes clear as this could also result in water in unwanted areas.

Prepare an emergency kit – and make sure everyone knows about it!

Having an emergency kit is a vital step in preparing for an emergency during storm season. Every home should have an emergency kit in a place that is accessible and known to every householder. You should also update the contents of your kit regularly and discuss your emergency kit with every householder so that everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency.

Essential emergency items should include everything from a first aid kit and manual, food and water, flashlight/s, warm clothing, prepaid telephone, just to name a few. Also, make sure every item is stored in a sealed, watertight container.

For a comprehensive list of essential emergency items, visit the Queensland Government’s website emergency page.

Make sure your insurance is up to date

Does your insurance cover storm damage?
While protection against storm damage is a standard feature on home and contents insurance policies, it’s important to check that you’ve got the appropriate level of cover for any potential damage caused by a storm. These damages could be the result of stormwater runoffs, flash flooding and damage caused by fallen trees.